
 Welcome 2nd grade students and parents! I'm excited to be starting a new school year and look forward to seeing our Baranoff Buffalos grow academically, socially, and emotionally. This year will be filled with challenges, but with the nurturing and individualized support of each child all students will experience success.

A few things that will be helpful for you to know:
- Please fill out both the Contact Information Form and the Parent Questionnaire ASAP (both are hard copies). These will be sent home on the first day. Iwill be using this information to better communicate and understand your child's needs throughout the year.

- Look over the blog. It includes my contact information, weekly updates with the content we are learning, important links and documents, the classroom calendar, my classroom wish list, and of course, any reminders that you may need for each week. Please be sure to check back every Monday for important information!You may also choose to subscribe to my website for email updates by clicking on the appropriate link (Follow by Email-at the bottom of the page) and entering your email address.

- Be sure to look over the class schedule so that you know your child's whereabouts throughout the day. This should be looked over carefully if you are needing to schedule any sort of doctor appointments, so that your child is missing as little instruction as possible.

- I understand that not every parent can volunteer their time and come to school, but what I do ask is that you support your child's learning as much as possible from home. Be sure your child completes his/her homework each night, talk to them about the importance of giving all they've got at school, as well as turning in their work daily. This year will be much more successful if we are a team!

- On the bottom right of the calendar , there is a button that says +Google Calendar. If you click this button, it will allow you to save our class calendar on your phone/computer if you already use Google Calendar.

- If there is ANYTHING that you need to address at any point in the year, don't hesitate! I am available via e-mail, phone, or notes to school. I am here to work with you to make sure your child is successful and happy this year.

Things to note:
Your child may bring two healthy snacks since our lunch period starts at 12:48.
Our class will be going to PE on Monday. 

I hope all students feel this way about their first day of 2nd grade:
