Week of 12/1-12/5

This week students will: 

Math: Continue....Students will add and subtract three digit numbers with re-grouping.

New Skill: Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar and use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins.

* Please excuse the bottom of this anchor chart "3+4..ect"


- Daily 5
- Reporter's Formula- with biographies


Continue- students will begin learning about the genre "biographies". Students will be writing biographies over the next couple weeks. 

Social Studies:
Students will learn to identify the significance of various ethnic/ and/ or cultural celebrations.

For Example-
Cinco de Mayo

Weather Unit

Social Emotional Learning: 
This week students are learning to recognize when others are using their SEL traits. 

-2 Spelling Activities and 2 Math Activities
- RazKids
- Special Math Homework- due 12/5