Week of 2/2- 2/6

This week students will.....

Math- Students will learn how to partition objects into equal parts and name the parts, including halves, fourths, and eights using words. Students will also learn that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part. The fewer fractional parts the larger the part.

Language Arts (Writing and Reading)- Author's Purpose to Persuade and Persuasive Writing

Social Studies-Students will learn about the contributions of influential African Americans.

Science- Scientific Method 


This week students will: 

Math: Continue....Students will add and subtract three digit numbers with re-grouping.

New Skill: Students will model, create, and describe contextual multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined (multiplication represented by repeated addition).


- Daily 5
- Poetry


Write short poems and identify sensory details.

Social Studies:
Review Needs vs. Wants

Weather Unit and begin Scientific Process

Social Emotional Learning: 
Handling Making Mistakes

No HW this week (1/5-1/9)
SEL HW- optional (please look over )

- RazKids

Week of 12/1-12/5

This week students will: 

Math: Continue....Students will add and subtract three digit numbers with re-grouping.

New Skill: Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar and use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins.

* Please excuse the bottom of this anchor chart "3+4..ect"


- Daily 5
- Reporter's Formula- with biographies


Continue- students will begin learning about the genre "biographies". Students will be writing biographies over the next couple weeks. 

Social Studies:
Students will learn to identify the significance of various ethnic/ and/ or cultural celebrations.

For Example-
Cinco de Mayo

Weather Unit

Social Emotional Learning: 
This week students are learning to recognize when others are using their SEL traits. 

-2 Spelling Activities and 2 Math Activities
- RazKids
- Special Math Homework- due 12/5

Week of 11/17-11/21

This week students will: 

Math: Students with add and subtract three digit numbers with re-grouping.


- Daily 5
- Inferencing with expository texts

- Last week (11/14) we completed our personal narratives about our best friends. 

- This week (11/17) students will begin learning about the genre "biographies". Students will be writing biographies over the next couple weeks. 

Social Studies:
Last week (11/14) students learned about Veteran's Day and patriotic music. 

This week students will continue learning about leadership and laws.

We are starting our "Weather Unit"

Social Emotional Learning: 
Respecting Different Preferences

-2 Spelling Activities and 2 Math Activities
- RazKids
- Special Math Homework- 9.1 Subtraction with regrouping- due 11/19

Week of 11/3-11/7

This week students will: 

Math: Add up to four two digit numbers and subtract two digit #s using mental math.


- Daily 5
- Describe similarities and differences in the plots and settings of several texts.

* We will compare and contrast different versions of Cinderella. 

- Imaginative Story-Students will continue to develop literary texts to express ideas and feelings about imagined people, events, and ideas. 

*Students are working on creating a fantasy story. This week we are revising and editing our stories. 

Social Studies:
Students will understand the historical significance of landmarks and celebrations in the community. 

Force, Energy, and Motion
***Compare patterns of movement of objects. 

Social Emotional Learning: 
Review- Feelings

-2 Spelling Activities and 2 Math Activities
- RazKids

Week of 10/20-10/24

This week students will: 

Begin Addition and Subtraction Unit (Ten Frame)


- Daily 5
- Students will analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary texts. Students will need to support their understanding by providing evidence from the texts. 
- Understand and read Fables: Moral and Personification

- Continue.... expository composition (research paper).  Below is an example of how students will organize their research. 

***Students have developed their topic sentences,details, and introduction. 

****This week will add additional details, a conclusion,revise, edit and publish. Social Studies:
Government and Our Community

Force, Energy, and Motion

Social Emotional Learning: 
Learning about Feelings

-2 Spelling Activities and 2 Math Activities
- RazKids

Week of 10/6-10/10

This week students will: 

Determine whether a number up to 40 is even or odd.

-Generate a number that is greater than or less that a given whole number (numbers up to 1,200).

- Use place value to determine the number that is 10 or 100  more than a given number (up to 1,200).


- Daily 5
- Main Idea- Identify the main idea in a text and its' supporting details. 

- Continue.... Learn how to write an expository composition (research paper).  Below is an example of how students will organize their research. 

Social Studies:
Continue cardinal directions and map skills.

Continue Matter 

Social Emotional Learning: 
Peace Path- Resolve Conflict

Students will learn how to resolve conflict with another peer by using empathy. Please talk with you child about what they are learning during SEL time. 

-Spelling: Spelling List: sent out via email.
-Homework Contract: sent out via email.

***Please look for an email from me this week regarding Reading A-Z.